Friday, January 22, 2021

Stop blaming the discharge agents - Eutrophication of Lake Colac happens readily without any extra nutrients

Past Pollutants aren't the reason our lake is Eutrophic . Lake Colac is one of the most fertile lakes in Australia. Its unstable and highly nutritious nature is natural 
 Avoiding the high risk of lake death from eutrophication is hard enough without being distracted by ongoing criticism of pollutants. Colac herald 17th January 2021 .
Shallow water  will find and use enough Nitrogen and Phosphorus( the key factors )  to grow the algae WITHOUT bringing and blaming water and drainage authorities . 
The CCMA could put in another 100 pollutant traps and it would make no substantial difference to the water quality in Lake Colic . 

To be more useful and practical , it would really help the progress of the discussion if the agencies like CCMA DWELP  and the Shire accepted the big picture of a dying lake needing help. 
 That way , instead of dreaming up impossible, ineffective half baked solutions ( like dumping sand ) that  suit noone including the  natural  processes, Colac and district can greatly improve its surroundings for the future. .

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