I truly hope Mr Mulder gets to
fund a plan but ONLY IF
- ITSis not JUST WADS OF QUESTIONS and EXCUSES . WE want a plan whose brief is placing choices and non choices before the people of Colac and District. I don't like his chances !
Why should Hon Gavin Jennings want do anything? Going on comments in the paper PARKs don't appear to want to do anything .
Mr Jennings and Mr Crutchfield have lakes drying out all over the countryside, so why would they consider funding a review in our area?
Here's 5 good reasons why they SHOULD
Gavin Jennings credibility He should be able to knock the department heads together and GET THEM TO GIVE DIRECTION without it costing US a fortune. ( believe me its a
real Hacker moment when it happens ) Its actually possible Crutchfield just has to set 2 dates and stick with the agenda - none needs paying because everyone is already paid - esp if its news; to make decisions
- If Gavin Jennings is any sort of Minister he would know that Labor struggles to be credible out here in the bush .Mcarthur did well to identify and understand but he like Howard threw money not sense at problems . McArthur has left us a legacy of expensive and uninformed windowdressing in Funding .Here's you big cahnce to get something done !
Gavin Jennings, Michael Crutchfield and Mr Cheeseman could show they are more than window dressers when it comes to solving problems . They could do something very sensible and long term to resolve an environment question that is on the hearts and minds of nearly all the electorate .”.Thinking ahead of time, and not duck shoving rural Victoria; Why not fund some very sound water planning in a new labor area.
- The cost of a plan is peanuts compared to the money the previous Feds and states have wasted on windowdressing on lake Colac already. Our council seem to be able to fund lots of plans and consultancies, so why not Gavin Jennings?
--Lots of water has in the past kept Vic biggest freshwater inland lake alive- if only just. The people of Colac need to face facts, with decreasing water quality and increasing demand, the water that one day used to fill this lake ,might one day be allocated elsewhere, like it is now with our reservoirs .
--The Colac community are entitled to know what options it has if barrages are removed , environmental flows are increased , and waste water is no longer poured into the lake .
Anything less than an options paper is an abdication of ministerial responsibility.